Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Weight Watchers for everyone

Madelyn: Mom, what are we having for supper?

Me: I am making a new recipe. Chicken Tortellini and Spinach Soup

Madelyn (long pause): Is it Weight Watchers?

Me (deciding if I should be honest): Yes it is.

Madelyn: Good I need to watch my weight.

I kind of laughed to myself for a minute. Then I felt a little disturbed about it. She is only 6..she should be worrying about what color she wants me to paint her nails next. Not her weight. But if I teach her healthy eating habits now, she won't worry about it when she is my age. So maybe it's not all that bad. At least she likes my WW meatloaf...which I will have to say is yummy and only 4 pts for a huge piece. Now I just have to convince Pete to eat it!


Blogger ret said...

So share the recipes girlfriend :) How's the job going???

7:29 PM  
Blogger laura said...

Ret: I will e-mail you the chicken one it is really good. The meatloaf is pretty good too and I am not a meatloaf kind of person. The job is going good. It is really fun. Get's me out of the house. :)

8:51 PM  
Blogger ret said...

I completely forgot it was open actually, until I thought about your job. I need to come check it out. This re-entry stuff is tricky ;) Thanks for the recipes...

8:02 AM  

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