Saturday, May 17, 2008

Good-bye 3rd grade. Hello, Baldwin

My little Madelyn "graduated" third grade last week. I cannot believe she is going to be going to Baldwin next year. My house of 7 years goes up for sale and my little girl is not in grade school anymore happens all in one day. This is going to be an emotional next couple weeks. Prozac anyone?

For Sale

Well Folks....there you have it. Our house is officially for sale. This is kind of a bittersweet thing for me. I am excited about building a new house but also scared. I am also sad to sell this house. This house was the first HUGE leap Pete and I took as a married couple. We were so scared when we bought this house. Madelyn was almost 2 when we moved in. And talking to us then, you would have thought we bought a mansion overlooking a golf course. This house was a big deal to us. We have so many fun memories in this house. This house has seen numerous birthday parties, sleepovers, bringing home a new baby, several "different" neighbors. And I'm sure a fair share of fights and disagreements, as well. I love this house. I will miss it dearly. But it is now time for someone else to make their own memories. Good-bye 1618 Melrose will be missed.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

What a long strange trip it's been

Holy Crap! It has been forever since I have blogged. A lot has gone on since September. Here is a little update:
1. We survived the holidays with great success. We spent time with family and friends.
2. Pete and I went to Nassau, Bahamas in March. We had a great time. Lots of sun, sand, ocean and wonderful drinks.
3. Madelyn started Quincy United Soccer. She is doing a conditioning course right now and soon will be trying out for the team. Which means alot of traveling to St Louis in our near future.
4. We had a wonderful trip to Joplin to visit the Gilchrist Family over Easter. I think this is going to become an annual event.
5. I received a permanent marking on my foot. I'm not going into the fine figure this one out for yourself.
6. Pete and I will be putting our house on the market in the next couple of weeks. This is going to be very scary. We have to sell our house before we can start on our new house. So we will be homeless for the next couple months. Any volunteers?? We don't have animals...just children.
7. We have been getting things in order to start on the new house. Hoping to break ground in late June-- early July. This is going to be a very fun, yet trying time.
8. Wedding season is getting very, very close. I'm excited. I've missed doing them.
So there you have it. Keane Family Update........... I will try to post more Easter and Nassau pictures soon. I need to go to bed.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's been awhile

Okay, it's been awhile since my last blog. We have been so busy with a lot lately. Madelyn started 3rd grade, has started dance, soccer and Tae Kwon Do. This little girl keeps us busy with just her stuff. Andrew is getting bigger by the second. We have started the whole potty training thing. He is getting pretty good at it. A couple accidents, but that is expected. Pete has been very busy with his business. He has also started Tae Kwon Do again too. Hopefully, by December he will have his black belt. I have been busy with my photography and working full time. I too have started kickboxing. So as you can see we are very busy. But, the biggest news of all is...............we have put money down on a lot for a new house! I am so excited. We are hoping to break ground in April and be moved in by September of 2008. Pete and the kids are standing in our future living room (see picture above). We I hope that I haven't bored you to tears. I hope all is well with everyone!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Easter

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter. We got to spend our Easter with the wonderful Gilchrist Family. For those of you who read Angie's blog, you already know this. We had a wonderful time. We didn't really want to come home. Madelyn had fun because she got to hold Brynn and boss the boys around. Andrew just didn't care what we did as long as his Carterman was there. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I will post more pics of the weekend sometime soon.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

AJ's new bed

This weekend was a little emotional for me. While I was at work yesterday afternoon, Pete took down Andrew's crib for me. I just couldn't bear to watch it come down. When I arrived home, there, in it's place, was a big boy bed. I can't believe that he is no longer a "baby". It's seems just like yesterday he was that tiny, little newborn that was totally dependent on me. Now, he can do things himself (or so he thinks). I know that I still have a long time with my kids before they are off to college. For some reason, I'm afraid, that day will come faster then I think it will.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Baby Brynn

I finally got a chance to sit down and get these photos on here. I'm sure some of you have seen these before. But I am so proud of these guys that I had to post them myself.