Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Fun Times

Today was a fun day. Andrew was peeking through his legs, chasing after me, backing up to me and just falling in my lap. These are the days that I wish Madelyn wasn't at school so she could join in. I can't wait until this summer when I can have both of them all to myself. These are the kind of days that I didn't have with Madelyn. Since I worked until she was 4, I never got to play with her like this. Plus, since she was a little girl she wasn't much into running and jumping. She was the kind of child to sit in your lap and just snuggle. Or when she was two her favorite thing was to "do you hair Mommy". When I found out that Andrew was going to be a boy, I will have to admit that I was a little disapointed. I wanted another girl to dress up and put pretty bows in her hair. I also wanted Madelyn to have a sister. This little man has a special place in my heart. Along with his sister. I love my children to pieces. And I get to be the one they call Mommy. I am so glad that we are in a place to where I can stay home and enjoy these times. Because trust me they don't last long because they grow up way to fast.


Blogger ret said...

What a great picture!!!!

11:46 PM  

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