Monday, December 19, 2005

I did it...does it look good?

Okay...for the last couple of years I have been obsessed with nose piercings. I think the smallest ring looks really cute. I've been scared to do it because you think "what will people think of me?", "do I look like trash?". Well, the lovely people at Wilsons Leathers bet me that I wouldn't do it. They said they would pay for it if I did it. So after a week of being a huge chicken.....I did it. I now have another hole in my head. Right now it looks okay.....When this heals I can put a smaller ring in....Am I white trash??? I'm a little scared of what people think.......Maybe they won't notice.... :)


Blogger Angie said...

I can't believe it!!! Ginny is so right who cares what other people when can we expect a tatoo!?!?! I can't wait to see it. I'm sure it looks great on such a beautiful face. Love ya girl!

10:11 PM  
Blogger ret said...

My mother and father would roll over but I think they look pretty...(the small studs...) I've told Shawna she could pull one off and I think you could do. I'll bet it looks awesome. The eyebrow and tongue I'm yet to get on board with, but the

Now. Let's talk about peer pressure and how to just say :)

8:29 AM  

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