Thursday, May 18, 2006

No Ticks On Me, Please!

Me: Madelyn we need to put insect repellent on you before you go to school (they are going to Siloam Springs today for their field trip)

Madelyn: Why?

Me: Because I really don't feel like picking ticks out of your hair and off your body today when you get home from school.

Madelyn: What happens if they get in my hair? Do you have to get tweezers and put them off?

Me: Well, I might have to burn them first and then pull them with the tweezers.

Madelyn ( with HUGE eyes): You can't do that, you will burn all my hair off.

Me (trying not to laugh): No Madelyn, it will be okay trust me. Just keep your hat on and you will be fine.

Madelyn: Oh thank goodness....I didn't want to loose my hair.


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