Sunday, January 08, 2006

A New Year

Do you ever find yourself at the begining of a new year with so many resolutions in mind? I do it every year and every year....they never get kept. I think this is THE YEAR..... I only have a few for this year. I think maybe I set too many. And then I become so overwhelmed that I just quit.

#1-- I now this is #1 on everyones list every year....I need to lose some weight. It is for me every year and every's the first to go...NOT this year. I have 30 pounds to lose. I started Weight Watchers two weeks ago. So far I've lost 2 pounds. This past week has been very hard....fell of the boat a couple times. I just have to set my mind to it I guess. So for any of you WW veterans out there...a little help....PLEASE... :)

#2-- I need patience....I think this really should be a tie for #1. I have the patience the size of a thumbtack.

#3-- I need to start saving the dough....I would love to open a studio sometime in the next few years. And if I don't start saving now the more I will owe the bank.....Any suggestions?????

I really think those are all that I'm going to give myself for this year. I have several little ones..but I'm not going to let those bother me.

2005 was a great year. I hope that 2006 will be better.......


Blogger ret said...

Kevin and I are doing pretty well on WW. The best thing we did or rather I did, is to bag everything up when I get in the house. It's much easier though when we're both eating the same stuff and I don't have small children. Do it now's much harder 20 years down the road. There are lots of good recipes to be had..holler if you want any.

My mom always said she was stupid for wanting more patience. The only teacher seems to be adversity and struggle :) Good luck on that one!

You live with a financial guy. Any advice I could give you would indicate I've mastered this area. I haven't. And need to :)

Happy 2006. It was great to see you the other night!

3:01 PM  

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