Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Madelyn

Today my little girl turns 7. I cannot believe it. It's seems like yesterday, I was walking the halls of the hosiptal waiting to meet this little person that had been making a little home for nine months inside of me. Little did we know that this little girl had plans of her own. She wanted to stay in there forever. She had already overstayed her welcome by two weeks, plus she wanted to come out backwards. I still see that determination in her now. She has been a great joy to both her Dad and I. She has no idea how much she means to us. She knows that we love her unconditionally, but she doesn't even know the half of it. She really honestly saved us from becoming another "statistic". God has awesome plans for her and I can't wait! She has put her little footprints ALL over my heart and they just keep getting bigger.........


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