Wednesday, September 13, 2006

HELLLLOOO Dr. McDreamy!!

My husband brought me home a wonderful surprise today.....THE COMPLETE SECOND SEASON OF GREY'S ANATOMY! I am hooked on this show...thank you Angela Marie! I was at Wal-mart this morning, and as I'm walking out the door...what do I see. A huge sign saying that the second season was available September 12th! I had both kids with me and I didn't feel like going back into the wonderful world of Wal-Mart shoppers again. So, I made a little phone call telling my wonderful husband that I had two things that I had awesome things happen to me today....#1 I lost 2.2 pounds and #2 Greys Anatomy---2nd season came out on DVD. I know that none of you probably care about this....I just had to let someone know that Dr McDreamy is coming to my house tonight!


Blogger Angie said...

Girl you KNOW I CARE!!! Ah I've been dreaming about it for ever now.. I can't wait I even have the date on my calendar. So I'm sure we'll have a post show talk to recap the moments!! I'm so glad you are hooked to this show now!! hehe! oh and I guess I should congrats you on the weight loss even though I really don't want to... You just keep getting skinny and I'll keep blowing up like a blimp!! ugh! Love you!!!

11:21 AM  

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