Friday, August 25, 2006

Second grade here I come!

Today was Madelyn's first day of second grade. As I was taking pictures of her this morning, I could not help but think to ten years, I am going to be taking pictures of her on her first day of her senior year in high school (if she will let me). Where do the years go. She was ready to start school. She informed me that I not to follow her to the bus stop and take pictures. Just to show her, I walked down there with no make-up on, my hair not brushed (nor my teeth) and took a picture of all the kids at the bus stop. All she kept saying was, "Mom, go home." So I waited until the bus came....waved as it passed and then went home. Little AJ kept saying, "Where's Moc?" I don't know what this little man is going to do during the day without his sister here. She is his hero. Yes they fight like normal siblings do but he loves her to pieces. I watch her at night with him when he climbs in her bed (hiding from us because he knows he is going to bed next) and reads him books. I love watching them watch Finding Nemo together. They have a connection. Something that I hope they keep forever.......


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