Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Should have stayed in bed

Okay, have you ever had one of those days that you just wished you had stayed in bed and slept until the next day. Well, let me tell you about MY day today......

#1. AJ broke the handle on the toilet. So now, until my husband gets it fixed (which will be two months from now), you have to lift the top of the toilet off and pull the little string-thingy to flush the toilet. So you have to reach into the top of the toilet and hold it there until it flushes completely. If this ever happens to you, please make sure that you roll your sleeves up before you stick your arm in to flush.

#2. Get AJ to Mom's day out. Had to go to Wal-mart to buy 16 things of fruit puch, 16 2-liters of Sierra Mist, 5 million things of styrofoam cups, and 5 million napkins. Get to the front check-out, had to what 10 minutes for the lady in front of me to decide whether or not she bought the right size of mini-blinds. After 10 minutes, I have to wait another 5 because she had the wrong size. Now it's my turn. The lady starts ringing things up. I forget to tell her that I have a tax exempt number for the PTA. Should.have.given.her.that.number.first. She has to void out the sale and rering everything. She tells me my total. Realizing that I have left my wallet in the car. She is really pissed now. The lady behind me was polite enough to tell me to go get my wallet and she will wait. No that is was my bust. I get my exercise in for the day and RUN to the car. Get my wallet and come back. Wait another 10 minutes for my turn AGAIN. Pay for everything and leave. As I am leaving I turn to the cashier and say "It must be an omen for me today. I should have stayed in bed." The kind lady replied with " Oh don't say that. It will be fine." Okay.

#3. That brings me to the next thing. I have to carry 16 things of fruit punch, 16 2-liters of Sierra Mist and ALL my cups and napkins into the school. I notice that it is kinda misting when I leave Wal-Mart. No big deal. As I pull up to school, it starts raining harder. So now, I look like a drowned rat. As soon as I'm done unloading stops.

#4. So now, the cherry on top of my shit-on-me-sundae. As I am picking up AJ from Mom's Day Out, I decide to take him to McDonalds. I pull onto Broadway, and decide to go to the one on 13th street. When I pull into the lefthand lane I notice that the drive-thru lane is all the way to the street. Not wanting to block traffic, I wait patiently for the line to move up. But the people turning right into McDonalds don't really care that I have a screaming 22-month-old screaming in the back "I HUNGRY". So I get mad and squeal off and decide to go to the one on 32nd and Broadway. I pull into the parking lot and notice that once again the drive-thru is backed up. So I decide to pull into the parking stall and go inside. As I am waiting for the car infront of me to pull up, I notice that her reverse lights are on. I realize that she is backing up into my direction. I lay on the horn to warn her that I am behind her. But when you have music on and both you and your passenger are on your cell phones you really can't hear anything. So I grab the wheel and wait for the lovely sound of metal upon metal. As she slams into me, I grab the phone and call my husband. He tells me to get all her information and that is all I can do. So I finish pulling into the stall and wait for her to pull in beside me to take down the info. But NO...chubby has to continue staying in drive-thru. I roll sown my window and start yelling, "You just hit my car." Her passenger rolls down her window and the driver yells, "I'm sorry" and waves. I realize that she is not going to pull over. I asked her three times to pull over and that I need to get some information from her. She finally parks and gets out. I took down her information and as she is walking away she says "I'm sorry I didn't see you until I hit you." And then she says "So what, are you going to call me when you find out details". No stupid, I'm going to call you when I find your common sense.

So needless to say....I had a pretty crappy day. And as I'm crying all the way home, I think to myself, why does all this stuff happen to me. I am always having days like this....I hope some other people experience this too.

I will have to say that something good came out of today. I FINALLY got my BagDaddy purses in.......they are TOO CUTE!!


Blogger ret said...

Poor thing. Sounds like a sucky day. Sorry about that. Here's to a better Thursday :)

11:43 PM  

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