Tuesday, December 05, 2006

For your information......

I haven't blogged in awhile so I will get everyone up to date as to what has happened on the last month at the Keane household.

*We finally got out of our driveway and out of the subdivision. I am not going to complain about the snow because I know of three (almost 4) people that had it a little rougher than I did this past weekend. All I can say is that I am very proud of that little momma.

*Madelyn has her Christmas dance recital on Sunday afternoon. She is going to be doing three dances. Tap, Jazz and Hip-Hop. I am so pround of this little girl. She dances day and night.....even when she thinks no one is watching :) Next week she also has a Christmas program at school. She gets to be a penquin and gets a speaking part.....Bring on the Oscar.

*My little AJ turns 2 on Thursday. I cannot believe that this is possible. They grow up way too fast. He is as wild as ever. He thinks that the Christmas tree ornaments are baseballs and they need to be thrown all around the kitchen. He also has a new saying..."I parted!" He says this whenever he passes gas or he hears someone else do it. So if you are around him..please be careful!

*Pete and I are doing great. I have neared the end of my weddings. I have one more this weekend and then I am done for the year. Pete is getting ready for his holiday open house at the office next week. We are just getting ready for our big trip to Mexico the end of January. I am so excited. We NEED this vacation!

I think that sums us up for the month. We don't do a whole lot. I'm sure I will be posting birthday pics of little man in the next week. So if you are interested, please check back.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday and my God bless you and your families!


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