Thursday, January 26, 2006

BORED To Tears!

Okay...with Wilson's closing I thought this would be a great time to get caught up on some stuff. This is my list:

1. Get my closet cleaned out and give to charity. (Point....get rid of fat clothes so I HAVE to lose weight)........DONE

2. Clean out my desk and get rid of all paperwork I don't need anymore......DONE

3. Clean up Madelyn's room with a garbage bag......started on that, but realized it's not my room she needs to help........WAITING FOR HER TO GET HOME FROM SCHOOL

4. Clean out all cabinets and organize......DONE

5. Go through Andrew's clothes and put away all clothes that don't fit........VERY depressing but DONE.

6. Clean out laundry room.....DONE

7. Clean out bathroom closet.....DONE

Okay there you have it.....My list is what. I am so bored. Andrew would rather play by himself then sit on the floor and play with Mommy. Madelyn comes home and ignores me totally. ANGIE--you need to come back to Quincy for a couple weeks....I MISS YOU!!! What in the world am I supposed to do. So if anyone has any to hear them.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes......

madelyn: Mom, who is Mary married to?

me: Joseph

madelyn: Is that Jesus dad?

me: No, his Father is God.
(long pause)

madelyn: So when did God and Mary get divorced?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

A New Year

Do you ever find yourself at the begining of a new year with so many resolutions in mind? I do it every year and every year....they never get kept. I think this is THE YEAR..... I only have a few for this year. I think maybe I set too many. And then I become so overwhelmed that I just quit.

#1-- I now this is #1 on everyones list every year....I need to lose some weight. It is for me every year and every's the first to go...NOT this year. I have 30 pounds to lose. I started Weight Watchers two weeks ago. So far I've lost 2 pounds. This past week has been very hard....fell of the boat a couple times. I just have to set my mind to it I guess. So for any of you WW veterans out there...a little help....PLEASE... :)

#2-- I need patience....I think this really should be a tie for #1. I have the patience the size of a thumbtack.

#3-- I need to start saving the dough....I would love to open a studio sometime in the next few years. And if I don't start saving now the more I will owe the bank.....Any suggestions?????

I really think those are all that I'm going to give myself for this year. I have several little ones..but I'm not going to let those bother me.

2005 was a great year. I hope that 2006 will be better.......